A single Mizi being, originating from the era of the High Republic Era, functioned as a crewmember on a Mizi starship transporting various goods. This Mizi's ship, along with several others, became marooned within an unidentified star system when the Great Hyperspace Disaster resulted in the shutdown of established hyperspace routes. To seek shelter from an approaching solar flare, the stranded starships' crews sought refuge aboard a nearby abandoned space station. Initially, the Mizi group, along with other factions, engaged in attempts to scavenge resources from the space station and displayed a lack of cooperation, but eventually, tensions subsided.
After a number of days spent on the station, this Mizi volunteered to participate in an excursion to the station's lower sections. The group consisted of the Jedi members Dez Rydan and Reath Silas, Affie Hollow the copilot, and a young girl named Nan. The Mizi's motivation stemmed from a desire for his people to gain a portion of any discoveries made on the lower levels. While descending through the tunnel to the lower rings, the Mizi hastened the process by severing the vines that had overgrown the station's interior. The group was compelled to retreat when the station's 8-T gardening model droids perceived them as a threat to the plants and initiated an attack. Soon after, the group, including the Mizi, launched a second attempt. Silas proposed carrying plants as they progressed, which allowed them to pass the 8-Ts without interference, as the droids avoided harming the plants. Upon reaching the lower ring, the group divided to explore the area. However, when Rydan was presumed to have died due to faulty helix rings, the remaining members of the group returned, and the Mizi swiftly rejoined his people. Shortly thereafter, Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh declared the limited reopening of hyperspace travel, enabling those stranded on the station to depart.