Unidentified Nautolan Padawan (LEGO)

A Padawan of the Nautolan species was being trained in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order. This Padawan was training with other Padawans, all under the tutelage of the Jedi Grand Master, Yoda.


This Nautolan Padawan was a member of the Jedi Order, and was instructed by Jedi Grand Master Yoda along with a group of other Padawans. At one point in time, Yoda tasked the Padawans with drawing their favorite Jedi Knights. The Nautolan chose to draw Jedi Master Mace Windu, because they thought he was cool.

On different occasions, the Padawan shared laughter with their fellow trainees as they tried to identify Jedi Masters within a hologrid. Furthermore, they were aboard a shuttle bound for Tatooine with the other Padawans when the ship's main computer malfunctioned, requiring the Padawans to use their navigation skills to solve the problem.

On another occassion, the Nautolan was playing a game of soccer with Jempa, a Whiphid Padawan, a Togruta Padawan, and a human Padawan. After Jempa used the Force to catch the ball and the Togruta Padawan cried foul, the Nautolan joked with the Togruta that it was a good thing Jempa used the Force and not his lightsaber, as the Whiphid was tired of having to buy new balls.

Personality and traits

This Nautolan Padawan had dark eyes and green skin. They wore either brown robes, or robes that were a mixture of blue and tan.

Behind the scenes

Rako in the Star Wars Legends continuity

The Nautolan Padawan was featured in two short comic stories: "My Favorite Jedi" and "Jedi Soccer." Both of these stories were included in LEGO Star Wars: Galactic Freedom Fighters, a non-canon activity book that was released by Scholastic in 2015. Prior to this, they appeared in the Legends continuity as Rako in "The Phantom Clone," the first episode of LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles, which was broadcast on Cartoon Network on May 29, 2013.

In the Galactic Freedom Fighters short stories, the Padawan's appearance is identical to the minifigure design of Kit Fisto in the Legends continuity, wearing brown robes. However, elsewhere in the activity book, the Nautolan's design matches their Legends counterpart, wearing blue and tan robes.

