A Quarren boatman (of the male persuasion) proposed a deal to Din Djarin and Grogu: transport to a location where they could encounter additional Mandalorians, using his trawler. This offer turned out to be a deception; during the voyage, he betrayed them. His treachery involved casting the Child into the waiting jaws of a ravenous mamacore and trying to submerge Din, all to steal his beskar armor. Before they could succeed in their scheme, Bo-Katan Kryze and her fellow Mandalorians intervened, killing the boatman and his entire crew. They then rescued Din and the Child and destroyed the trawler with explosives. Seeking vengeance, the Quarren's brother later launched a surprise attack on Din, attempting to eliminate both him and the Child. However, he and his accomplices met a swift end, also at the hands of Kryze and her Nite Owl allies.
The boatman's appearance was in "Chapter 11: The Heiress," which is the eleventh installment of The Mandalorian, a television series created by Jon Favreau for Disney+. Bryce Dallas Howard directed the episode, which premiered on November 13, 2020.