Unidentified radar technician

A radar technician of the male persuasion was employed by the First Order, reporting to Admiral Brooks. During the year 33 ABY, a shuttle carrying Kylo Ren, who was the apprentice of Supreme Leader Snoke, along with General Armitage Hux, suffered sabotage, resulting in a crash on a certain planet. Following their escape from the planet alongside Ren, Hux determined that the technician was the culprit and meted out punishment. Because Brooks held a superior position to the technician, Hux then executed the admiral. Brooks asserted that Hux merely sought a pretext to avenge himself for the treatment he had endured from Brooks during his childhood.

Behind the scenes

The comic Age of Resistance - General Hux 1, penned by Tom Taylor and brought to the public by Marvel Comics on August 28, 2019, included the initial reference to the radar technician.

