A species possessing sentience made their home on the planet called Ridlay. Close to the Ascension Well, a community of this species established a settlement composed of buildings constructed from stone. Once every fifty years, coinciding with complete eclipses on Ridlay, entities emerged from the Ascension Well. The local population regarded these entities as spirits, thus the eclipse was a celebrated occasion, marking a unification of the realms of the living and the dead. During an eclipse that occurred amidst the Clone Wars, these entities launched an assault on the Ridlay people, compelling them to abandon their dwellings and seek refuge in a protected location. Jedi Master Mace Windu was dispatched to investigate the communication silence from Ridlay. After encountering the presumed spirits, Agon led him to the shelter. Windu, skeptical of their spectral nature, investigated further, discovering that the beings were living entities with troubled minds. However, he was then confronted by Count Dooku, the leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.