A person of the Rodian species existed during the time the Galactic Empire was in power. On the Smuggler's Moon Nar Shaddaa, sometime between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, he encountered some pirates with the intention of buying a prototype battle droid. These pirates had pilfered it from a warehouse belonging to the Tagge Corporation located on the planet Milvayne. However, the [battle droid](/article/battle_droid], even though it lacked a power source, caused the demise of both the buyer and all the pirates before the transaction could be completed. Subsequently, Domina Tagge, the head of Tagge Corporation, who is also a Lady, found out about the failed theft and attempted sale, so she arranged for the droid to be taken to her capital ship, called the Acquisitor.
The buyer made an appearance in Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, specifically in the thirty-fifth issue of the 2020 comic series. Alyssa Wong was the writer of the issue, and Marvel Comics published it on August 23, 2023.