During the events of the Battle of Scarif, a security officer, identifiable by the captain's rank insignia plaque displaying a quartet of blue squares, was stationed at Gate Control, managing the shield gate over the planet Scarif. This individual communicated with the Imperial cargo shuttle designated SW-0608, noting its absence from the approved manifest. The pilot explained that their flight path had been altered from the Eadu Flight Station, which had been recently attacked, and proceeded to send the appropriate authorization codes, which the officer verified. Unbeknownst to this officer, the cargo shuttle was covertly transporting a Rebel commando unit under the leadership of Jyn Erso, who subsequently launched an assault on the facility on the planet's surface and successfully transmitted the Death Star plans to a waiting Rebel fleet. The battle that ensued between the Imperial Navy and garrison and the Rebel ships resulted in the shield gate's destruction.
Michael Nardone played the role of the Gate officer in the film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.