Personnel managing shield gates, known as gate officers, were Imperial Navy Troopers assigned to Golan M3185 space stations with the responsibility of controlling the station's Shield Gate.
The uniform worn by gate officers was that of an Imperial Navy Trooper, characterized by a sweeping black helmet and code cylinders. Their responsibilities encompassed the operation of the shield gates present on Imperial Golan M3185 space stations. Specifically, they raised and lowered these gates to facilitate the transit of ships through the planetary shield.
During 0 BBY, the personnel of Gate Control who acted as gate officers managed the shield gate surrounding the Planet Scarif from the orbiting space station. Members of the Rebellion under the designation Rogue One, piloting a stolen cargo shuttle and utilizing Imperial access codes, successfully deceived the initially suspicious gate officers. This deception resulted in the officers lowering the shield gate, granting Rogue One permission to land.

Subsequently, Rebel starships emerged from hyperspace and engaged the Imperial fleet in orbit around Scarif. Blue Squadron received orders to reach the planet's surface, and they began their approach through the still-open shield gate. Upon observing this, the gate officers quickly moved to close the gate. Their actions resulted in the destruction of two X-wing starfighters, which collided with the energy field as it closed.
As the conflict intensified, the Lightmaker, a Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette, propelled a crippled Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, the Persecutor, into another Star Destroyer, the Intimidator, causing extensive damage to the latter. Continuing its push, the Lightmaker, with assistance from Scarif's gravity, forced itself, the damaged Persecutor, and the wreckage of the Intimidator into the Shield Gate, thereby destroying the gate and deactivating the planetary shield.
These Imperial personnel were first seen in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The film's subtitles on Disney+ identified them as Gate officers.