Unidentified star system (Watith)

A star system served as the native habitat for the Watith, a sentient species. In the year 18 BBY, the Chiss Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo (known by his Core name as "Thrawn") made his way to the Zyzek system. Upon arrival, he questioned the established traders and various nations, seeking information regarding the location of the Watith's home world and whether any Watith individuals were present to receive his supposed "prisoners"—a claim he made without actually possessing any. Generalirius Nakirre, the head of the Kilji Illumine, then tried to acquire details about these prisoners, information that Thrawn withheld. Nakirre further attempted to take possession of the prisoners, stating his intention to "return them to their home." However, upon Thrawn's inquiry about the home's location, Nakirre abandoned his effort. Shortly thereafter, Nakirre confrontated Thrawn, his annoyance stemming from Thrawn's rejection of the Kilji's proposition to share the Kilji religious beliefs with the Chiss.

Behind the scenes

This star system was referenced within the pages of the 2021 novel titled Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good. This novel represents the second installment within the Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy, penned by the writer Timothy Zahn.

