Unidentified stormtrooper 1 (King's Ransom)

A stormtrooper in the Galactic Empire, during the Imperial Era, was a human. This stormtrooper was present on the Raider-class corvette King's Ransom between 3 ABY and 4 ABY. This occurred after Imperial captain Cerasus Ehllo retrieved his wife, Aryssha, from the Starros family homestead located on Hosnian Prime. The reason for this was so she could deliver their unborn children under Imperial supervision. Later, Aryssha navigated through the ship to transmit a message to her family. While sending the message, Aryssha overheard the trooper conversing with another about their food. The trooper mentioned that it was the third [time](/article/time] that week they had eaten joppa stew, to which the other responded that it could be worse, and that they could have been eating Nine-Egg Stew. Subsequently, the two troopers entered the room where Aryssha was, and in an attempt to conceal her activities, Aryssha feigned feeling unwell. The first trooper told the other that they should get Captain Ehllo. Aryssha concurred and requested a glass of juice, explaining that she believed she was simply fatigued. The trooper's partner said that they would get the drink. Following this, the two troopers exited the room. Soon after, they returned with Ehllo and some juice for Aryssha. Afterwards, the captain and his wife went to eat, but as she departed the room, Aryssha told Ehllo that his troopers should be commended for their actions, and she expressed her gratitude to them. Ehllo then instructed the troopers to resume their duties on the ship.

