A temple dedicated to the Force existed on the world of Tehar. During their time at a Temple of the Force on the world Ashas Ree in 34 ABY, Kel and Eila, siblings and inhabitants of Tehar, discussed their native temple. Eila commented that the Ashas Ree temple brought their own temple to mind, and Kel concurred, adding that the Ashas Ree temple was the larger of the two.
Originally, the temple was intended to be referenced in "The New Trooper," the sixteenth episode of the first season of the animated TV show Star Wars Resistance, which was broadcast on February 10, 2019. The episode would have revealed that healers at the temple utilized the meditation method called "mudra-jee." Ultimately, the reference to the temple was cut from the episode, but it did appear in the article "Bucket's List Extra: 6 Fun Facts from 'The New Trooper' – Star Wars Resistance," published on StarWars.com on February 11, 2019.