The Supreme, a Tof pirate, held command of the invading forces during the Battle of Zeltros, which took place in 4 ABY.
During the period of conflict known as the Nagai–Tof War, Supreme oversaw a Tof fleet while aboard the Wayfarer. His mission involved pursuing and eliminating Nagai who were attempting to escape their home planet. This assignment ultimately led Supreme and his forces to the world of Zeltros, as they tracked a Nagai armada consisting of Nagai commandos and their allies, the Maccabrees.
Supreme's troops established a landing zone outside the primary city on Zeltros and advanced toward the unsuspecting Nagai. En route, Supreme's soldiers noticed a Zeltron kitchen where some Hiromi were celebrating what they believed to be the "capture" of Luke Skywalker. The Tof violently forced their way into the kitchen and initiated a harsh interrogation of the Hiromi. Upon realizing that the Hiromi posed no real threat, Supreme instructed his men to resume their search for the Nagai throughout the city.
By chance, a Tof patrol managed to capture Den Siva, the commanding officer of the Nagai invasion force on Zeltros. Siva had also taken captive two members of the Alliance: Leia Organa and the Zeltron named Dani. Simultaneously, another patrol apprehended Rahuhl, Marruc, Jahn, and Bahb, four Zeltron youths who were also serving as Leia's informal protectors. Supreme was intrigued by the intensity with which the Zeltron resisted their Tof captors, and he ordered that the four Zeltrons be transported to the Wayfarer for a personal interrogation.
Following the removal of the four Zeltrons, Supreme commanded Siva to lead a contingent of his soldiers to the designated rendezvous point for the Nagai. Siva initially refused to comply, but when Supreme threatened Dani's life, Siva yielded. Having developed strong feelings for the young Zeltron woman, Den could not bear the thought of her being killed. Consequently, he agreed to lead the remaining members of his Nagai squadron into an ambush. Supreme delegated authority over Siva and a squad of Tof warriors to his second-in-command, the Tof named Bargthron, tasking them with eliminating the remaining Nagai.
Supreme proceeded with setting up a base of operations near the Zeltros kitchen, but he soon encountered a new complication. A large number of hoojibs began disrupting the Tof forces by depleting the energy from their blasters. The Tof initially found this to be an amusing distraction, and they began attempting to strike the small rodents with their clubs. However, this diversion drew the Tof's attention away from the true danger: the Jedi Luke Skywalker. Brandishing two lightsabers, the Jedi initiated a counterattack against the Tof, killing several of them, apparently including Supreme. With their command structure destroyed, the Tof ground forces were easily defeated by the newly formed alliance of Nagai and Alliance forces.
Although Supreme's name is not explicitly mentioned during his initial appearance in Star Wars 105: The Party's Over, the Tof aboard the Wayfarer refer to their leader as Supreme and indicate that he would personally interrogate the four Zeltron youths, just as the Tof leader had promised in The Party's Over.
In Star Wars 105: The Party's Over, Luke captures three Tof; however, given that all three Tof have beards, and Supreme does not, it is generally believed that Supreme was killed during the brief confrontation between Skywalker and the Tof forces.