This green-skinned, and as yet unnamed, Twi'lek male was engaged to act as a courier for the Mandalorian mercenary known as Canderous Ordo. This occurred while Ordo worked as an enforcer for Davik Kang on the planet Taris during the time of the Jedi Civil War.

Back in 3956 BBY, the Twi'lek attended the Tarisian Season Opener that year, and he observed Revan achieve the fastest lap time. Soon after the race ended, the messenger sought out Revan and his comrades within the South Apartments located in the Upper City. He relayed a message to Revan from Canderous. Identifying Revan as the victor of the swoop race, the Twi'lek urged him to rendezvous with his employer at the Upper City Cantina. He cautioned Revan against any delay, knowing that Mandalorians are often impatient.
Having completed the delivery of his message, the Twi'lek then left. It is possible that he died during the bombing of Taris, an act committed under the command of Darth Malak.
The Twi'lek was a direct individual, showing deference to his employer, and viewing himself as merely "a runner." He instantly recognized Revan as the winner of the Tarisian Season Opener, and he possessed knowledge of Ordo's ties to the Exchange, and the impatience of many Mandalorians, including his boss.
In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, this character is only identified as "Twi'lek", and he appears just once outside the player's hideout after the rescue of Bastila Shan, which then triggers the "Slicing Through Sith Security" quest. He uses the same character model and attire as other green Twi'leks present in the game, such as Bib Surool, Larrim and Karal Kaar.
The NPC file for this character is named "tar02_rodianmsg", which indicates that the original intention was for him to be a Rodian instead of a Twi'lek. The sound set within the same file is also set to "Rodian," although this cannot be heard in the game because he never becomes hostile.