Larrim was a male Twi'lek who made their home on the planet of Taris, situated within the Outer Rim. This occurred during the Jedi Civil War, a conflict that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire. This individual operated a kiosk located in the South Apartments region of the Upper City, offering a range of merchandise to those who lived in the area or were simply passing through. In 3956 BBY, subsequent to the attack on the Republic's Endar Spire, a Hammerhead-class cruiser, by a Sith fleet, Larrim made contact with Revan, a survivor of the assault and a former Sith Lord who now possessed the memories of a Republic soldier. Larrim introduced themself and promoted the products available at their kiosk to Revan.

During the era of the Jedi Civil War, which saw the Galactic Republic in conflict with the Sith Empire, Larrim resided on Taris, a world situated in the Outer Rim. The Human population of this ecumenopolis displayed speciesist tendencies, resulting in a ban on non-Humans residing in the Upper City. Nevertheless, several non-humans took up residence in the South Apartments of the Upper City, as this was the only area where they could secure accommodations due to its dilapidated state. The authorities on Taris deemed enforcing this law too troublesome and opted not to pursue the aliens who dwelled there. Within these apartments, Larrim managed a modest kiosk, offering essential goods to the local inhabitants, including a technologically advanced and costly personal energy shield.
In 3956 BBY, a battle unfolded above the planet involving the Republic Hammerhead-class cruiser Endar Spire and a Sith fleet. The Endar Spire was ultimately destroyed in this confrontation, leading to escape pods from the ship plummeting onto the surface of Taris. One of these pods carried Bastila Shan, a Jedi Padawan whose battle meditation skill made her a crucial asset to the Republic's war efforts. Darth Malak, the current Dark Lord of the Sith, sought to capture Shan following the battle. He imposed a planet-wide occupation and quarantine, preventing any landings or departures from the city world, which adversely affected numerous businesses operating there. Despite this, the Sith authorities shared the view that enforcing Taris's speciesist laws against the non-humans in the Upper City was not worth the effort.

Revan, formerly a Sith Lord but now with a destroyed memory replaced by the experiences of a Republic soldier, was present on the Endar Spire during the battle. He escaped in an escape pod alongside Carth Onasi, a war hero of the Republic. Their pod crash-landed in the Upper City of Taris, rendering Revan unconscious upon impact. Onasi carried Revan to the South Apartments, where they sought refuge in an abandoned apartment for several days until Revan regained consciousness. Upon awakening, they made the decision to search for Shan before the Sith could locate her.
Larrim, stationed at their kiosk in the South Apartments, approached Revan as he passed by. Larrim introduced themself and informed Revan about the energy shield they had available. When Revan inquired about the shield, Larrim explained that it offered protection against energy-based attacks, including blasters and lightsabers, but not against ion blasters. They also mentioned rumors suggesting the shield was based on an Echani design. Revan then directed questions towards Larrim about the kiosk and the circumstances of the non-humans residing illegally in the Upper City. Larrim willingly described their business and elaborated on the humanocentric laws of Taris. However, they were hesitant to answer too many questions unrelated to business matters, fearing it would erode the trust of potential customers. Instead, they advised Revan to consult with Kadir, the janitor, whom they characterized as "bordering on senile."
Larrim was a male Twi'lek with green skin and gray eyes. Their lekku were styled wrapped around their neck. Larrim was wary of losing the confidence of their clientele and tended to avoid inquiries not directly related to themself or their business. Despite this, they were prepared to engage in transactions with Revan, a new customer. Larrim exhibited no fear of being apprehended by the Tarisian authorities or the Sith occupiers, as they were aware that these groups had long overlooked the South Apartments. In addition to fluency in Huttese, Larrim possessed the ability to comprehend spoken Galactic Basic Standard.
Larrim was seen wearing a green tunic accented with yellow, along with white pants. Completing the ensemble was a brown and white utility belt and boots in white, yellow, and brown. Larrim possessed a substantial inventory of goods for sale to the residents of the South Apartments. These items included medpacs, computer spikes, droid repair components, armor suits, stealth field generators, and battle stimulants. They also maintained a stock of weapons, such as swords, vibroblades, stun batons, quarterstaffs, and a variety of blasters, grenades, and mines. Additionally, they had a single, high-priced energy shield that they actively promoted to passersby.
Larrim made an appearance as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which was developed by BioWare. Should the player character walk past Larrim's kiosk, an unavoidable dialogue sequence will be initiated with Revan. While the player has several dialogue options, the conversation does not advance any plot points or quests, nor does it affect the player's moral alignment. If Carth Onasi is part of the player's party during the encounter with Larrim, he will comment on the ineffectiveness of personal energy shields against vibroblades, which prompted the Republic to incorporate melee combat training into their soldiers training. If the player engages Larrim while adorned in Sith armor, Larrim will extend well wishes and assure Revan that they seek no conflict with the Sith.