
Uokara existed as a verdant class IV planet situated within the Unknown Regions. For countless years, the world was dominated by the Ghymnon pathogen, which blanketed the entire surface from one ocean to another body of water, resulting in the deaths of numerous would-be conquerors and tyrants. During the Imperial Era, Darth Vader, a Dark Lord of the Sith, conducted a survey of the planet on behalf of the Galactic Empire and mistakenly reported it as uninhabited, failing to detect the presence of the pathogen.


Uokara was a flourishing Class IV planet located in the Unknown Regions. This terrestrial world possessed a surface containing several oceans and mineable resources. A rocky shoreline existed, occasionally experiencing rainfall along the edge of at least one water source, with three celestial objects visible in the sky from this location. The planet's only indigenous life form was the Ghymnon pathogen, which completely covered the world's surface, stretching from sea to sea.


Darth Vader (left) encountered and killed Ghymnon (right), the sole occupant of Uokara.

For eons, Ghymnon was the lone inhabitant of Uokara, responsible for the demise of countless aspiring conquerors and despots. In the time of the Galactic Empire's rule, the Sith Lord Darth Vader examined the world for the Empire, and okayed mining operations after world after failing to sense the presence of Ghymnon and declaring Uokara uninhabited. The pathogen easily infected Vader through his breath mask and, after the Sith completed the survey and initiated the quarantine procedures mandated by the Empire for contact with class IV worlds, Ghymnon attempted to end the latest intruder by battling the Sith within Vader's own mind.

Vader successfully overcame the pathogen and forced it out of his eyes into a bacta tank where it was sterilized. The Sith then instructed Imperial range troopers, equipped with mobile bacta units, to spray bacta across Uokara's surface to sterilize it and eradicate Ghymnon, with large floating bacta tanks also pouring bacta into the body of water along the coastline. He noticed a remaining piece of Ghymnon on a rock, which he swiftly destroyed with his lightsaber.

Behind the scenes

Uokara was featured in "The Inhabitant," a narrative penned by Steve Orlando, visually brought to life by Paul Davidson, and released within the pages of the comic Darth Vader – Black, White & Red 4 on July 26th, 2023.

