Uray was a male Pantoran who held the rank of ensign within the New Republic Starfleet. His service took place during the time of the Galactic Civil War that saw the New Republic in conflict with the Galactic Empire. He was stationed on the frigate named Sunspire at the time of the rebellion that occurred on the planet Akiva.
Following the Battle of Endor, Uray, a male Pantoran, served within the ranks of the New Republic Defense Fleet. During the Rebellion on Akiva, he was a crew member aboard the frigate Sunspire, serving under the command of Commander Kyrsta Agate. As the Republic started to gain an advantage, Uray reported this information to Agate. She responded by instructing her crew to maintain their efforts against the Imperials until a definitive victory was achieved. He also made Agate aware that Norra Wexley, the pilot of a TIE/ln space superiority starfighter involved in the conflict, had contacted the Sunspire, identifying herself as a Republic pilot from Gold Squadron. Despite Uray's skepticism regarding the pilot's claims, Agate instructed them to offer support and establish contact as a precaution. Ultimately, the pilot's claims proved to be truthful, and she played a crucial role in securing the Republic's victory in the battle.
Uray, characterized by his blue skin, was a Pantoran who held the rank of Ensign in the New Republic Starfleet. During the rebellion on Akiva, despite his belief that their forces were on the verge of victory, his Commander Agate cautioned him against complacency, urging him to maintain relentless pressure. Uray also demonstrated proficiency in operating the Sunspire's intercom system, intercepting a message from Norra, the New Republic starfighter pilot who had taken control of a TIE fighter.
Uray's introduction to the Star Wars expanded universe occurred in the novel Aftermath, authored by Chuck Wendig and published in 2015.