Usk, a planet, existed within the Usk system found in the Hutt Space region of the galaxy. This world was situated close to The Cairns within Hutt Space, and it sat along the hyperlane known as The Dead Road, connecting it to both Elgit and Saqqar. Additionally, a minor hyperlane provided a link between Usk and the planet Moralan. Once the homeworld of a sentient species that experienced enslavement, Usk eventually became a deserted planet after that species met its extinct demise.
The reference book The Essential Atlas, released in 2009 and written together by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace, marked the initial appearance of Usk, locating it in grid square T-10. Fry remarked in a article from 2009 that the name Usk had a strange and somewhat ominous sound to him.