Valorum, a Prince and member of the Knights of Sith, served as a primary enforcer for the New Galactic Empire and staunch adversary of the Jedi-Bendu. During the conflict in the Aquilaean system, General Darth Vader summoned him to serve as a hunter, with the specific mission of locating the rebel General Luke Skywalker.
As a Knight of the Sith, Prince Valorum acted as a protector to Emperor Cos Dashit and served as an unconventional leader within the Imperial Space Force. He gained this position after displacing the rival Jedi-Bendu sect following the Great Jedi Rebellion. The Prince's exploits as one of the Emperor's hunters were well known, granting him a notorious reputation.
After Emperor Dashit ordered the completion of the Jedi-Bendu extermination and the takeover of Aquilae, General Darth Vader requested Prince Valorum's presence aboard the Space Fortress. This request came after it became clear that the insurgent General Luke Skywalker had survived the destruction of the Hidden Fortress. The Sith Knight informed the cyborg commander that he would need access to the computer network, a control center, and complete communications access to carry out his task. He further stated that he would not be there if he didn't believe Skywalker was a Jedi-Bendu.
Ultimately becoming disillusioned with the Galactic Empire, Prince Valorum betrays his superiors and aligns himself with Annikin Starkiller and his diverse rebel group.
The character of Valorum originated in the early drafts of what eventually became Star Wars, as well as the Dark Horse Comics adaptation of that early script, titled The Star Wars. In the script's development notes, George Lucas likened Valorum's change of heart to "a Green Beret who realizes wrong of empire. [sic]"