Verdigris Hills

The Verdigris Hills, a location situated on the planet and mining world of Elphrona, held a reserve of nova crystals. Between the years of 247 BBY and 232 BBY, Jedi Master Porter Engle came across some herbs sprouting from the crystal deposits found within the hills. He then resolved to incorporate these herbs into his culinary endeavors. At the Elphrona Outpost, he presented these herbs in a stew to several other Jedi; however, before they had the chance to sample the meal, the Jedi were summoned to address a mine shaft cave-in.

Behind the scenes

The tale "Set For Life," penned by Charles Soule, featured the Verdigris Hills. This story was part of The High Republic Adventures Annual 2021, a one-shot comic. IDW Publishing released the comic on December 15, 2021. The 2022 trade paperback titled Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, Volume Two confirmed the one-shot's place in the Phase I comic series Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative.

