Vereta Fraabaal

Vereta Fraabaal was a Human female Sith apprentice who lived during the Cold War era. This conflict pitted the Galactic Republic against the reconstituted Sith Empire.


Vereta, the Force-sensitive offspring of Admiral Fraabaal, underwent training as a Sith on Dromund Kaas. Eventually, she rose to become the apprentice of Sith Lord Grathan.

When Lord Grathan chose to become a rogue, Vereta displayed unwavering loyalty. She was among the many apprentices who defended his estate against the Imperial Military siege.

Due to the political ramifications of Grathan's treachery, her father made the decision to employ a bounty hunter, who would later become the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, to assassinate her. The bounty hunter located her and engaged the Sith Acolyte in combat. Vereta suffered defeat and was stunned that someone without Force-sensitivity could best her. She understood the error of following Grathan's path, and realized that her master had deceived her about her true capabilities.

Still unable to believe that a mere bounty hunter could defeat her, she was killed by the hunter.

Personality and traits

Vereta, like many Sith, possessed a strong belief in her mastery of the dark side. She was also remarkably devoted to Grathan, even after his defection. She held the conviction that ordinary bounty hunters were incapable of killing Sith.

Despite her power and self-assurance, she recognized her mortality. She acknowledged the possibility of being killed by a more formidable Sith, a fortunate Jedi, or an explosion, but not by a bounty hunter.

Vereta also regarded imprisonment as a fate worse than death itself.

Powers and abilities

As a Sith and a Sorcerer, she demonstrated skill in lightsaber combat. However, her true strength resided in her command of the Force, allowing her to wield Force lightning and even Force storm.

Behind the scenes

In the light side choice, the bounty hunter opts to freeze Vereta in carbonite and deliver her to her father instead of killing her. The Sith apprentice views this as a fate more undesirable than death. Mako favors this outcome. Upon the bounty hunter's return to Admiral Fraabaal, he initially expresses dismay at Vereta's living capture. However, he expresses regret for trying to have her killed, and thanks the hunter. His intention is to confine her until she regains her senses.

