
Verkles, characterized by tusks and brown and white fur, were rodents native to the forest moon of Endor. The Ewoks, Endor's sentient inhabitants, sometimes hunted verkles, utilizing them for sustenance or as bait. In the time leading up to the Battle of Endor, key figures of the Rebel Alliance, including Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, C-3PO, and R2-D2, inadvertently stumbled into an Ewok hunting party's trap, baited with a deceased verkle.

Biology and appearance

Hailing from Endor, a [forest](/article/forest] moon orbiting the planet of the same name, verkles were a species of rodents. Their bodies were covered with short, rough fur displaying a tan and white pattern. When exposed, their flesh exhibited a pink hue. They possessed small mouths featuring four prominent tusks. While Ewoks generally found verkle meat unpalatable, Wookiees like Chewbacca were known to be drawn to its distinctive aroma.


On Endor, the Ewoks, resembling bears, primarily fed on roots, nuts, and spit-roasted splledarks, occasionally enjoying feasts of boar-wolf meat. However, verkles also supplemented their diet during periods of scarce hunting.

Following a significant defeat at the hands of the Galactic Empire on Hoth, the Alliance to Restore the Republic initiated a perilous mission aimed at destroying the energy shield generator safeguarding the Empire's second Death Star battle station, situated on Endor. During this operation, Chewbacca, the Alliance hero and Wookiee warrior, discovered a lifeless verkle suspended from a tree. Intrigued by the scent of the fresh meat, Chewbacca pulled on it, inadvertently activating an Ewok hunting trap. Consequently, the Wookiee and his companions, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, C-3PO, and R2-D2, found themselves ensnared in a net high above the forest floor.

