Vika and Velya Faer's grandmother

A woman of the female gender was the paternal or maternal grandma of the Evereni siblings, Vika and Velya Faer. At some point in time, starting no earlier than the year 379 BBY, they had become acquainted with the Ro family of the Evereni kind and maintained a record of Evereni names that stretched back to at least 500 BBY, which also contained the Xouri family. No sooner than 379 BBY, the Faer siblings encountered Marda Ro—the Evereni who established a band of buccaneers that would eventually evolve into the Nihil—and spoke to her regarding their grandma and the record.

Ro, in turn, later referenced the grandma in a diary entry she created for her future family. By 252 BBY, while he was young, Ro's great-great-grandson Marchion Ro had paid attention to her recordings, which included the communication where the grandma was brought up.

Behind the scenes

The grandma of Vika and Velya Faer was brought up in the short story "A Closed Fist Has No Claws," penned by Tessa Gratton and released in the 2023 young-adult compendium The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life as an element of the Star Wars: The High Republic transmedia endeavor.

