
Occupying the seventh and most distant orbital position within its star system, Vo existed as a desolate, frigid, and barren celestial body, lacking any moons or indigenous life. Its location was within the Sacorrian system, a component of the Outlier systems found in the Corellian sector, specifically within the Arrowhead region of the Galactic Core. In the year 18 ABY, the ruling administration of Sacorria, a planet sharing Vo's system, endeavored to separate itself from the authority of the New Republic.


Situated as the seventh planet within the Sacorrian system, Vo resided among the Outlier systems of the Corellian sector, specifically in the Arrowhead section of the Core Worlds. As the most remote world in the star system relative to its sun, Sacorria, Vo was a lifeless, frozen rock, entirely devoid of any moons.


By the time of the Cold War era, which pitted the Galactic Republic against the re-established Sith Empire, numerous ancient shrines and vaults on Vo had already been plundered. During the Galactic Empire's dominion, which succeeded the Republic in the year 19 BBY, Vo's encompassing sector fell under the jurisdiction of an appointed Diktat who was accountable to Emperor Palpatine. Following the New Republic's consolidation of power over the Corellian sector, a governor-general was installed to oversee the region. In 18 ABY, the Triad government of Sacorria, Vo's system counterpart, made an attempt to seize control of the sector, but their efforts were thwarted by the New Republic.

Behind the scenes

Vo initially appeared on a planet roster within the Sacorria entry of Coruscant and the Core Worlds, a 2003 supplement for Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Roleplaying Game. Later, it received mentions in two Treasure Hunting crew skill missions featured in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic.

