
During Zodoh's aggressive expansion into the Grumani sector, which was then controlled by the Sith in 1032 BBY, the Voracious functioned as a carrier for starfighters. This vessel, belonging to the Hutt, served as a crucial asset throughout the Aquilaris campaign, acting as the crimelord's command ship and coordinating his Stormdriver fleet; warships designed to generate artificial storms and floods. The Galactic Republic's agents ultimately destroyed it during the Battle of Darkknell, resulting in the death of all crew members except for Zodoh. The Sith Lord Daiman then captured and executed Zodoh.


The Voracious was constructed with a significant rectangular foundation, featuring a pair of expansive squares that housed the hangar bays. This rectangular component was connected via an unconfirmed force field generator to a sizable circular structure. It possessed a hyperdrive, enabling interstellar voyages across vast distances. As a primary starfighter carrier, the Voracious accommodated a large number of Intruder-class starfighters alongside a smaller contingent of twin-seater starfighters. The hangar bay was equipped with both artificial gravity and oxygen, creating a suitable environment for ground personnel and pilots to operate in the vacuum of space. For engagements in space, the Voracious was armed with laser cannons and other defensive systems designed to counter starfighter attacks during naval battles.

The Voracious had a substantial rounded orange dome at its front, which functioned as both a command center for coordinating space battles and a massive data processing hub. Under Zodoh's command, this frontal dome was used to direct his Stormdriver fleet, capital ships that could create artificial floods and storms by vaporizing moisture. The rear section also included a smaller dome, its purpose remaining unknown. This decentralized design allowed the ship to endure minor explosions. However, damage to the large frontal dome, such as from starfighter lasers, could trigger a series of explosions that would destroy the entire vessel.

A powerful tractor beam projector was installed, capable of immobilizing enemy starships. In addition, the Voracious contained extensive storage areas for both trading goods and consumables, reflecting Zodoh's involvement in the slave and munitions trades.


The Voracious's hangar bay during the Battle of Darkknell

During the Republic Dark Age, the Voracious acted as Zodoh's command ship and served as a mobile headquarters during his expansion into the Grumani sector. It played a significant role in the Aquilaris campaign, housing a large data processing center within its central dome that coordinated the Stormdriver fleet, warships capable of creating artificial storms by vaporizing moisture. During the Battle of Capital Cay, Intruder-class starfighters launched from the Voracious attacked Sith Lord Daiman's forces in the port city of Capital Cay.

After the battle, Zodoh conducted a holoconference with the Sith Lords of the sector, attempting to coerce them into supporting his plans to control the sector. He offered to supply them with munitions and slaves in exchange for keeping Daiman's forces engaged. He threatened to flood their worlds with his Stormdriver fleet if they refused to cooperate. Zodoh then terminated the holotransmission, leaving them to consider his offer. Following the capture of the Republic starfighter squadron Devil Squadron, Zodoh ordered a demonstration on the water planet Aquilaris Minor. This demonstration successfully persuaded the other Sith Lords to cooperate in harassing Daiman's forces at the borders.

The Voracious sustained internal damage due to a series of explosions during an escape attempt by Jenn Devaad, the Captain of Devil Squadron. The explosions were caused by rigged Deluge spice containers fitted with explosives. Jenn's attack was motivated by the murder of her squadron members, who had been ejected into space through the airlock. She then escaped aboard a stolen Hutt starfighter.

During the Battle of Darkknell, the Voracious spearheaded the assault on Darkknell, the capital of Daiman's princedom. Its starfighters overwhelmed Daiman's defenses, while the accompanying Stormdriver fleet unleashed an artificial flood upon Daiman's forces. However, Zodoh's attempt to seize power was thwarted by Jedi Knight Kerra Holt and Devil Squadron Captain Jenn Devaad, who had infiltrated Zodoh's fleet using a stolen starfighter. Kerra infiltrated the flagship and engaged Zodoh in a duel, while Jenn breached the dome of the warship's data processing center, exposing the vessel to the vacuum of space. In retribution for the deaths of her squadron comrades, she destroyed the warship with a single laser blast, causing it to ignite. This action shifted the battle in favor of the defending Daimanate forces.

