As the chieftain of a Trandoshan tribe residing on Nameel, Vurrsk was a male warlord. The Dupei monks pilfered credits from Vurrsk's tribe during an attempt to purchase illicit weaponry, prompting the Trandoshans to retaliate with an attack on the monks. This conflict led to the intervention of Jedi Eno Cordova and Cere Junda, who were dispatched to mediate the situation. Warlord Vurrsk and his Trandoshan warriors were unintentionally provoked by Junda, resulting in an assault on the Jedi Padawan that ended with the Trandoshans being subdued. After discovering the monks' theft, Cordova returned and, along with Junda, apologized to Vurrsk for the unfortunate events.
During the Galactic Republic era, Vurrsk held the position of warlord for a Trandoshan tribe situated on Nameel. Vurrsk and his people sought to acquire illegal armaments from a sect of Dupei monks, but the monks instead absconded with the tribe's credits. This betrayal incited Vurrsk and the Trandoshans to launch a counterattack. In response to the escalating conflict, the Jedi Order deployed Jedi Master Eno Cordova and his Padawan Cere Junda to Nameel. The two Jedi endeavored to negotiate a resolution between the Trandoshans and the Dupei, but both parties asserted their innocence, leading to a heated dispute. Junda intervened by using the Force to pushed back both the monks and the tribe. Cordova then decided to interview each group independently to uncover the truth.

While Cordova was in discussion with the Dupei, Junda placed blame on the Trandoshans. Vurrsk disregarded Junda due to her youth, refusing to take direction from her. A tribal member then challenged Vurrsk's leadership, instigating another confrontation. Junda stepped in, subduing the Trandoshan challenger. However, Junda's interference in the challenge to Warlord Vurrsk was seen as an insult by the Trandoshans, turning them against the Jedi Padawan.
Junda dodged an attack from Vurrsk, which caused the warlord to lose his footing and fall. Junda's self-defense only intensified the Trandoshans' anger, leading to a skirmish in which Junda prevailed without causing serious harm. Cordova, having learned from the Dupei that they had indeed stolen credits from Vurrsk's tribe, returned to find Junda standing over the defeated Trandoshans. Subsequently, Junda apologized for provoking Vurrsk and his tribe, but the opportunity for peaceful negotiation had already passed.

Vurrsk governed his tribe firmly, rejecting guidance from anyone younger than himself. He reacted strongly to challenges to his authority and was offended by Junda's intervention in the challenge to his leadership. Vurrsk was easily angered, both by Cere Junda and by those within his tribe who questioned his rule. Once provoked, Vurrsk refused to back down, leading his entire tribe in an attack against Junda. Vurrsk, a Trandoshan male, possessed green skin and gray eyes.
Vurrsk was proficient in unarmed combat, but he was no match for the Jedi Cere Junda, who was able to defeat Vurrsk when he attacked her.
Warlord Vurrsk utilized a translator droid to communicate with those who did not speak his native tongue. He wore a dark gray jacket over a light shirt and gray pants. Vurrsk adorned himself with several gold necklaces and gold pauldrons on his jacket's shoulders.
Warlord Vurrsk made an appearance in Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple 1, a comic penned by Matthew Rosenberg, illustrated by Paolo Villanelli, and released on September 4, 2019.