Wandrella, massive worms that called the plains and swamps of Mimban, also known as Circarpous V within the Circarpous system, home. Because Mimban was so sparsely populated and largely unexplored, these Wandrella were allowed to roam freely across much of the world. These creatures, recognized for their limited intelligence and basic thought processes, were omnivorous and used only rudimentary hunting strategies, like charging straight at their prey and crushing anything in their path.
The Wandrella possessed phosphorescent, cream-colored bodies marked with brown streaks, along with thick hides and plated underbellies, and could grow to lengths of fifteen meters or more. Their heads featured dull eyes embedded among a large collection of randomly placed spots similar to those on a spider, along with powerful jaws that encircled a mouthful of pitch-black teeth arranged in large concentric circles. The Wandrella were known to react slowly to external stimuli, perhaps because their nervous systems were too evenly distributed throughout their large bodies to have a central, vital point.
One such creature encountered Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, a Force-sensitive individual named Halla, and two Yuzzem as they searched for the Kaiburr crystal, hidden within the Pomojema Temple, deep inside Mimban's swamps. The beast attacked, tearing their Swamp crawler apart, and then met its end when it attempted to follow Luke and Leia into the Thrella well where they sought refuge; its great weight caused part of the well to collapse, sending the creature plummeting into the seemingly endless abyss below.
On Circarpous V, a wandrella was also the cause of Gargonn the Hutt's loss of the right side of his head due to a bite, although this injury did not prove fatal, as Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Depa Billaba discovered him alive and well on Nar Shaddaa several years later.