A male Wookiee spacer named Weebacca had a penchant for finding himself in difficult situations, often involving gambling and smuggling. He and Chewbacca, another Wookiee, were childhood companions. When the Galactic Empire invaded and enslaved his homeworld of Kashyyyk during the Galactic Civil War, he abandoned his current activities to join the fight to protect his planet. However, before the battle that several years later liberated Kashyyyk, he secretly started working for the Empire. Weebacca was discovered by Chewbacca and the former smuggler Han Solo, both members of the New Republic, as he attempted to flee the destruction of the palace of Imperial Moff Hindane Darcc along with Moff Darcc, the commanders of the Imperial forces stationed on Kashyyyk, and the Trandoshan slaver Pekt. His betrayal exposed, Chewbacca killed Weebacca.
Chewbacca, a fellow Wookiee and native of Kashyyyk, shared a long-standing childhood friendship with Weebacca, a male Wookiee spacer. Weebacca consistently needed credits and was passionate about sabacc, so he quickly became involved in smuggling and gambling. He lost contact with Chewbacca and his family for a considerable time, but he eventually reappeared as a spice runner through the Kashyyyk system, operating covertly under the watchful eyes of Imperial patrols. Despite his hatred for the Empire, when the Galactic Civil War brought about the invasion and enslavement of his homeworld of Kashyyyk, he abandoned his lucrative smuggling business and hurried back to aid his people. Regardless, Weebacca ultimately became an Imperial agent.
During the liberation of Kashyyyk from the Empire and Trandoshan slavers in 4 ABY, New Republic operatives Chewbacca and Han Solo noticed Weebacca destroying a Trandoshan building near the city of Kepitenochan. Even though they seemed to be on the same side, Solo was suspicious of the Wookiee being unharmed, given the carnage that had been inflicted on the Wookiees. Weebacca assisted Chewbacca and Solo in retaking Kepitenochan and rebuilding the Government Tree, which the two New Republic agents intended to use to contact the New Republic. However, the Imperials had installed three jammers that stopped the agents from sending a message.

Weebacca said that the jammers could be found in the city of Okikuti, but he did not accompany Solo and Chewbacca when they went to destroy them. The New Republic agents and a group of Wookiees investigated the city, only to find that there were no jammers. They were then ambushed by Imperials, but Solo and the Wookiees managed to escape. Later, after the Wookiees destroyed Imperial Moff Hindane Darcc's palace, Weebacca attempted to flee the planet with Darcc and the Trandoshan slaver Pekt—the leaders of the Imperial invasion forces—in an Imperial shuttle. Chewbacca and Solo noticed the Wookiee with the Imperials, and, with Weebacca's betrayal exposed, Chewbacca killed Weebacca in a duel while Darcc and Pekt escaped.
Weebacca was frequently in trouble and was notorious for his gambling habit; he was especially fond of sabacc. During his childhood years, the Wookiee was friends with Chewbacca, and the two never argued, although Weebacca could occasionally be petty and unreliable. Weebacca was prepared to accept any available position, including those as a bodyguard-for-hire, when he was in desperate need of significant sums of credits.
Weebacca ultimately betrayed the Wookiees by becoming a double agent for the Empire while his home planet was enslaved. Despite having a strong dislike for the Empire early in his life, he eventually joined it before Kashyyyk was liberated. Weebacca also had brown fur and was regarded by his clan as "a small Wookiee with a big Wookiee's attitude." His name included the name of Bacca, the ancient Wookiee hero who was the first of Kashyyyk's great chieftains. The name "Bacca" in Shyriiwook meant "friendly."
Weebacca primarily used a set of ryyk blades as his weapons during the battle of Kashyyyk.
Weebacca was a character in the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, which was launched on November 11, 2001. Weebacca was first mentioned in a developer diary by level designer Reed Knight that was posted on the Lucasarts website on August 12, 2001, before he made an appearance in the game. He described how they chose sound effects for Wookiee characters, with John Kathrein, a fellow designer, hoping to find a suitable whiny tone for Weebacca. According to Knight, sound designer Larry the O had threatened to use sound effects from the 1978 television movie The Star Wars Holiday Special. Throughout the second Wookiee campaign in Galactic Battlegrounds, Weebacca is present, and until his betrayal, the player must keep him alive or risk losing levels right away if he is slain. He is also a special unit that can be added to scenarios made by players.