Wenton Chan

Wenton Chan was a male pilot who flew for the Rebel Alliance's Red Squadron throughout the Galactic Civil War. During 0 BBY, Chan was not chosen to fight in the Battle of Yavin; instead, he stayed at the Great Temple located on Yavin 4. He was a level-headed and analytical pilot, admired for his calm demeanor, and he was seen wearing an orange flight suit.

Behind the scenes

Wenton Chan's Legends appearance in A New Hope

Within the Star Wars Legends storyline, Wenton Chan's identity was given to an unnamed Rebel pilot seen taking off in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope by the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, and was later confirmed as a Red Squadron member by the Star Wars Encyclopedia. However, in canon, the short story "Duty Roster" clarified that Chan was not present at the Battle of Yavin, and Ralo Surrel flew as Red Eleven instead. This raises questions about who the pilot originally thought to be Wenton Chan actually was.

