"Duty Roster" is a concise narrative found within the From a Certain Point of View collection. Penned by Jason Fry, the story unfolds through the perspective of Col Takbright, an irascible pilot frequently dubbed "fake" Wedge.
The short-tempered Col Takbright, a Rebel Alliance starfighter pilot, engages in an X-wing simulation inside the Massassi Temple situated on Yavin 4. He makes the same mistake of letting Puck Naeco, the veteran instructor, outmaneuver him into a position where death is imminent. Irritated, Col expresses his distaste for being called "Fake Wedge". Puck advises the younger pilot to ignore such taunts. After Col departs, another pilot John D. Branon inquires about what upset Col. Puck explains that Col was triggered by his remark that hitting a two-meter target with a proton torpedo, even with the assistance of a computer, is an impossibility. Soon after, several pilots enter the room, including Biggs Darklighter, Elyhek Rue, Bren Quersey, Wenton Chan, and Wedge Antilles himself. Col is displeased when Rue mistakes him for Fake Wedge.
In a moment of solitude, Col contemplates his anger management issues, including his propensity to damage helmets and furniture when enraged. Red Squadron's Commander Garven Dreis, General Antoc Merrick, Puck, and John D. had previously addressed Col regarding his outbursts. Col aspires to emulate the composed demeanor of pilots like Chan and Antilles. Col had abandoned his homeworld of Uquine and joined the Rebellion after witnessing the Empire devastate worlds for ore and fuel, and murder those who stood against it. Col comes to the realization that his anger stems from Imperial atrocities, and he believes that individuals like Antilles are not sufficiently angered.
Subsequently, Col and the rest of Red Squadron convene in the briefing room as the rebel pilots prepare for their strike against the Death Star. Col overhears John D. and Biggs discussing how the latter learned to pilot starships by practicing with a T-16 skyhopper and targeting womp rats. Despite his aspirations, Col is not assigned a position on Red Squadron for the strike mission, as all slots are filled. Alone in the briefing room, Col succumbs to a fit of rage, throwing chairs and tables. Before he can hurl his flight helmet, Wedge enters the room to retrieve his own. While Antilles expresses understanding of Col's frustration, Col laments that Antilles gets to engage the Empire while skilled pilots like him are sidelined. Wedge informs Col that he is fighting on behalf of many people in the galaxy and assures him that he is not alone in the struggle, unless Col chooses to alienate everyone.
After restoring the tables and chairs to their upright positions, Col enters the war room, where he observes Princess Leia Organa, General Jan Dodonna, and other rebel leaders overseeing the rebel assault. He also encounters his fellow pilots Rue, Chan, Quersey, and the Mon Calamari Kelemah. When Col inquires about plans to initiate Kay-One-Zero, Quersey doubts that an evacuation is planned, as most of the essential equipment has already departed with the fleet. When Kelemah points out that the port stabilizer on Wedge's fighter is misaligned, Col remarks that Wedge is taking a significant risk. Kelemah responds that the Rebel Alliance is undertaking the greatest risk in the galaxy by attacking the Death Star. On the tactical display, Col observes Gold and Red Squadrons commencing their assault on the Death Star's turbolaser defenses. The rebels witness Imperial TIE fighters launching a counter-attack, resulting in the downing of John D.'s starfighter. Luke Skywalker's X-wing also momentarily disappears before reappearing.
Analyzing the telemetry from Gold Squadron's Y-wing starfighter's sensors, Col asserts that the starfighters lack maneuvering space within the Death Star's Meridian trench. He adds that their forward shields are sustaining heavy damage from the Imperial turbolaser fire. The Imperials temporarily cease firing, only to deploy TIE fighters against the Y-wings. As the rebel strike team suffers losses, Col and his comrades cheer for Wedge. Skywalker, Darklighter, and Antilles' X-wings make a daring run for the Death Star's trench. Antilles' starfighter sustains damage, forcing him to withdraw from the trench. Shortly thereafter, Darklighter's starfighter is struck, leaving Skywalker's fighter as the sole rebel ship in the trench. Col then observes as Skywalker deactivates his targeting computer, and the Millennium Falcon unexpectedly appears, ambushing Skywalker's TIE pursuers. This allows Wedge to retreat back to Yavin 4 and Skywalker to fire a proton torpedo into the Death Star's thermal exhaust port, resulting in the destruction of the superweapon.
Col and his fellow pilots celebrate their triumph. Col and his fellow pilots welcome the survivors of the Yavin strike team. Reconciling with Antilles, Col embraces him and commends the ace pilot for eliminating six TIE fighters. When Wedge responds that he hopes everyone shares his perspective, Col jokes that if they do not, Wedge can inform them that "Fake Wedge" was responsible. He adds that he would be honored to be mistaken for Wedge and invites Wedge to the celebration.