Zandloss served as a general for the Remainders, who were once bounty hunters and controlled Moonbender Colony; he was a Mon Calamari. Zandloss and some of the Remainders tried to set a trap for the Sith apprentice Darth Maul when he attacked Moonbender, which occurred approximately between 40 BBY and 32 BBY. This ambush took place in "the Tunnel," which was the colony's fortified entrance. Even though Zandloss and his team used the Tunnel's magnetically sealed walls to bounce their blaster shots, Maul was able to enter without injury. Zandloss, understanding that the Tunnel was no longer defensible, commanded the sealing of the living areas and stayed behind to give the others more time. Maul slain the Mon Calamari, and despite Zandloss's self-sacrifice, Maul proceeded to eliminate the remaining Remainders.