'Ndranth Poussan

'Ndranth Poussan

During the Galactic Civil War, 'Ndranth Poussan served the Rebel Alliance as a pilot of starfighters. A native of the planet Agamar, Poussan's dedication to the Alliance began after listening to a speech given there by Chief of State Mon Mothma. While still in training aboard the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser known as the Independence, a shortage of available pilots led to his deployment on his first combat mission: providing cover for the evacuation of the Rebel base located on Brigia. His life ended in battle when his X-wing collided with a TIE fighter, resulting in his death.


Enlistment in the Alliance

Poussan's homeworld of Agamar

During the Imperial era, 'Ndranth Poussan was born on the planet Agamar, which is situated in the Lahara sector of the Outer Rim Territories. By the year 1 BBY, a resistance movement had emerged on Agamar, actively opposing the rule of the Galactic Empire. After an Imperial attack devastated the Agamarian town of Tondatha, Mon Mothma, the Chief of State for the Alliance to Restore the Republic, journeyed to Agamar with the goal of integrating the resistance into the growing Rebellion. Following Mothma's address to resistance fighters at a rally in Calna Muun, the Agamarian capital, Poussan, along with three other Agamarians, made the decision to join the Alliance Starfighter Corps as a pilot.

Along with fellow recruits Keyan Farlander, Sunnar Jan-lo, and Breth Gart, Poussan traveled on a Rebel shuttle to the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser named Independence. Upon their arrival, the new recruits were given their living quarters and assigned officers to assist them during their training. After grasping the fundamentals of starfighter operations in the pilot proving grounds, the group advanced to simulated combat scenarios. Poussan's training lagged behind Jan-lo's, as Farlander was the first to complete his training and be assigned to active duty.

Brigia Evacuation

Poussan was trained aboard the Independence.

The Alliance discovered that the Empire was planning a major offensive called Operation Strike Fear, which was to begin with an assault on the primary Rebel base on the planet Brigia. Alliance High Command decided to evacuate all equipment and personnel, and dispatched starfighters from the Independence to protect the transports and shuttles carrying senior staff. Even though Poussan had not yet finished his training, he was chosen to pilot an X-wing starfighter due to a shortage of available pilots. Shortly after the Rebel forces entered the system, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Invincible emerged from hyperspace and began launching its fighters. During the ensuing battle, Poussan's shields were weakened, and he was killed when he collided with a TIE fighter.

The following day, Jan-lo participated in her first assignment and informed Farlander about Poussan's passing during the mission briefing. Farlander, angered by the loss of his fellow Agamarian, channeled his frustration into attacking enemy TIE fighters.

Personality and Traits

'Ndranth Poussan, a tall and slender Human male with reddish hair and narrow eyes, was a young man when he joined the Rebel Alliance. He struggled to remain composed during the shuttle journey from Agamar to the Independence, displaying noticeable fidgeting. During his pilot training aboard the Independence, Poussan fell behind Farlander and Jan-lo, both of whom had enlisted at the same time, and he tragically perished during his very first mission.

Behind the Scenes

Rusel DeMaria created 'Ndranth Poussan for the 1993 book titled X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide, which presented the story of Keyan Farlander, the main character in the video game Star Wars: X-Wing. Within the narrative sections of The Official Strategy Guide, Poussan's name is written as "'Ndranth," but the glossary spells it as "Ndranth." In 1995, X-Wing Collector's CD-ROM: The Official Strategy Guide revised the spelling in the glossary to "N'dranth," creating a difference from the narrative sections. The character's name is incorrectly spelled as "'Ndrath" in his entry in 2008's The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. This article uses the spelling from the narrative sections, as it is the most commonly used.


  • X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide (First mentioned)
  • X-Wing Collector's CD-ROM: The Official Strategy Guide
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (as 'Ndrath Poussan)

Notes and references
