181st Armor Division

The 181st Armor Division functioned as an armored division composed of clone troopers. They fought for the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

This division was recognizable through varied green markings present on their Phase II clone trooper armor. It included standard clone troopers, clone sharpshooters, clone trooper officers, and heavy weapons clone troopers. Unit soldiers were equipped with weapons such as DC-15A blaster carbines, Valken-38xs, DC-17 hand blasters, and either DC-15A blaster rifles or DC-15LEs.

To facilitate safe transport in challenging terrains and to reinforce Republic regiments in isolated locations, the 181st Armor Division made use of infantry, All-terrain vehicles like All Terrain Reconnaissance Transports, and HAVw A6 Juggernauts.

Behind the scenes

The 181st Armor Division made its debut in Star Wars Battlefront II, a game published by Electronic Arts in 2017. They were featured as the default clone trooper appearance for the Kashyyyk map. This clone trooper skin was the default only on Kashyyyk in both large and small multiplayer maps, and across all game modes. The 181st Armor Division did not receive its official name until a game update on February 27, 2019.

This update also brought minor changes to the 181st clone troopers' appearance, including a slightly darker shade of green, the addition of different patterns, and modifications to their equipment. Before the update was released, the 181st Armor Division was initially planned to be called the Mid Rim Garrison.

