An Uneasy Peace

Plot summary

After the illegal actions of Velin Wir were proven and his jungle base destroyed by his own Metatheran Cartel, a grand celebration was held in Gadrin, similar to the one that Wir had interrupted a little over a month before. During the celebration, Governor Barnab Chistor decided to let the people have their say in whether the Cartel would be allowed to remain on the planet, holding a vote that was to be carried out using datapads. Certain people circulated through the crowds, offering to buy the datapads for 5,000 credits each.

Many of the Jedi Padawans attending the celebration abstained from the vote, though many had thought the Jedi were going to vote as a bloc. When the votes were counted, the results were a tie, so Governor Chistor threw the deciding vote and denied the Cartel the opportunity to reestablish offices on Cularin's surface.

As a gesture of good faith, the Cartel donated a warship, the XP-38, to the people of Cularin for their defense. During the course of tours being provided to the celebration attendants, there were several attempts to hijack the ship, but the heroic citizens of Cularin were able to foil those efforts.




