Attempt to capture Outpost 716

The attempt

In 22 BBY during the Clone Wars between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and Galactic Republic, General Grievous attempted to capture Outpost 716, an outpost used by the Republic. The command center was staffed by a group of clone troopers and operated under the command of Jedi General Mayanka Catrine, who was joined by her Padawan, Jedi Commander Agustin. Although the general himself was a brilliant tactician and powerful combatant, Grievous's assault failed.


Due to her own skills and reasoning that she was expendable, Count Dooku later dispatched his personal assassin and apprentice, Asajj Ventress, in another attempt to capture Outpost 716. Although Dooku's own Sith Master, Darth Sidious, doubted her ability to take a base even Grievous could not capture, Dooku promised that the command center would soon fall in a holographic communication with Sidious aboard his Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop. Sure enough, Ventress had captured the base with deception: she allowed herself to be captured and only struck when she was certain the Jedi had departed for another .

Ventress returned to Dooku immediately after his discussion with Sidious, demanding to be anointed a Sith Lord by citing that she had succeeded where even Grievous had failed. Instead, Dooku ordered her to find a Jedi artifact to prove herself. During her investigation on the Moon of Staggec in the Outer Rim Territories, she would learn that, once more, Grievous had been Dooku's first choice in locating the item.

Behind the scenes

Grievous's attempt to capture Republic Command Center 716 was mentioned in the story "The Betrayal," which was released as Hyperspace Stories 5 by Dark Horse Comics on May 24, 2023. The story was written by Amanda Deibert.



