In the months following the Battle of Endor, New Republic and Galactic Empire forces fought a battle on the planet Naalol. While the battle ended in the New Republic's favor, the devastation led Chancellor Mon Mothma to consider relinquishing the emergency powers that had been granted to the Charter of Chancellor following the reconstitution of the Galactic Senate on Chandrila.
During the Imperial Era, the planet Naalol was a strategically insignificant planet that was home to mountain towns, valdeer shepherds, artisans, and miners. The Galactic Empire established a small garrison on the planet. When the Empire began losing ground after the Battle of Endor, it retreated to fallback worlds such as Naalol. The Empire established a large garrison near a town on Naalol, making the town and planet a target of the New Republic, the successor government to the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
After the battle's conclusion, New Republic forces rounded up the surrendered Imperial troops with electronic restraints and led them away in a prison transport. Chancellor Mon Mothma, and her advisers, Hostis Ij and Auxi Kray Korbin, also walked through the city, aiding injured civilians. It was then that Mon Mothma revealed her intention to give up the emergency powers that had been granted to the office of Supreme Chancellor by the Galactic Senate before the Clone Wars. She also announced that she was planning on reducing the New Republic's army by ninety percent. Auxi supported the Chancellor's proposal but Hostis warned that demilitarization would only lead to smaller civil wars.
The Battle of Naalol first appeared in an interlude chapter in Chuck Wendig's 2015 novel Aftermath, the first installment in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy and a part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens series. This chapter was written from the point of view of Mon Mothma, a secondary character in the novel.
- Star Wars: Timelines