Shortly after the destruction of the planet Alderaan, Anandra Milon, an Alderaanian resident of Coruscant, asked an old man running the Hangra's Meat Shack stall about a "Centax 3 delivery." The man did not know what she was talking about, and eventually took pity on her, giving her a small amount of food.
The headquarters of the Coalition for Progress, the Galactic Empire's propaganda division, was located on Centax 3.
Centax 3 was first mentioned in canon in "One Thousand Levels Down," a short story by Alexander Freed which was published in Star Wars Insider 151 in 2014. It first appeared in Doctor Aphra (2016) 35, a comic written by Simon Spurrier, penciled by Andrea Broccardo, and published on August 21 2019.
In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Centax-3 was first mentioned in Coruscant and the Core Worlds, a sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game published by Wizards of the Coast on January 3, 2003.