DX-2 disruptor blaster pistol


The DX-2 disruptor blaster pistol was a disruptor blaster pistol that could disintegrate organic beings. The DX-2 disruptor pistol was also powerful enough to open a metal hatch with just two shots. Gray in color, it could be wielded with one hand but was also able to be gripped with two hands.


Disruptor weapons were banned throughout the galaxy during the Imperial Era, and the DX-2 was banned by the regulations of the Rebel Alliance due to its destructive potential. Despite this, some operatives used the weapon anyway. Brand, a member of the Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, owned a modified DX-2 disruptor as her sidearm during the Galactic Civil War between the Alliance and the Galactic Empire. She took great care to maintain the rare and valuable weapon and was willing to wield it publicly when necessary despite the regulations against it. In 3 ABY, when the 61st Infantry's corvette Thunderstrike was infiltrated, Brand used the weapon to re-enter the ship and disintegrate several invading Imperials as the rebels reclaimed the vessel. Shortly after the conflict, Brand sold her DX-2 disruptor for a hefty price on the planet Ankhural, an action she regretted having to take.

Behind the scenes

In the current Star Wars canon, the disruptor first appeared in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company by Alexander Freed. It was later pictured and identified as the DX-2 disruptor blaster pistol on a Star Wars: Destiny card, illustrated by Greg Bobrowski and released as part of the expansion pack Spark of Hope on July 5, 2019. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the DX-2 was first mentioned in the 1997 sourcebook The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology, written by Bill Smith. It then first appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, developed by Sony Online Entertainment.






