
When Dak-Ah and Altaca were confronted by the bounty hunter at the Nexus Room Cantina, the two were posing as brother and sister, Lord and Lady Dak-Ah. After the hunter explained why they'd come, Lady Dak-Ah expressed her displeasure at the idea of losing Altaca to someone else. Explaining that Altaca's family would pay less for just his body, but that she would compensate the rest of the payment, she asked the hunter to kill him.

The hunter refused the offer and killed her before capturing Altaca.

The player has the option to take Lady Dak-Ah's offer and kill Altaca, or kill neither one and simply take Altaca alive to the protest of Lady Dak-Ah.

Behind the scenes

The player has the option to take Lady Dak-Ah's offer and kill Altaca, or kill neither one and simply take Altaca alive to the protest of Lady Dak-Ah.



