Davo Sculdun was a human male oligarch financier, and banker from the planet Chandrila. Rising to power and wealth through non-conventional means, Sculdun developed a bad reputation as a shady thug. Much to her upset, Tay Kolma advised Senator Mon Mothma to meet with Sculdun if she wanted to justify the disappearance of 400,000 credits. At the Chandrilan Embassy on Coruscant, Sculdun offered Mothma a loan in exchange for a chance to introduce his son, Stekan, to the senator's daughter, Leida Mothma. Mothma said no but Sculdun was convinced that she was thinking the offer over. Mothma eventually would agree to Sculdun's demands, and she introduced her daughter to his son.
The blue gold outfit worn by Dav Sculdun did not quite fit into traditional Chandrilan fashion, signifying his rise to power in a non-traditional manner.