

A Republic trooper during the Cold War, Ferdoin was stationed on Taris from 3648 BBY until 3643 BBY, when he decided to desert. Stationed on Taris at Waypoint Station Draay, Ferdoin was one of many troopers who had been serving on the planet for the last five years, despite it only being a one-year assignment. Five years of attacks by rakghouls, pirates, and scavengers had broken Ferdoin and his friends' spirits, until they finally gave up.

Around the year 3643 BBY, Ferdoin was part of the monthly supply convoy sent from Waypoint Station Draay to Waypoint Station Cresh in the west. He, Gilroh, Geozel, and the rest of the convoy decided to desert on one of their runs, leaving Morne without supplies as they hid in the wilderness.

Draay's quartermaster Kahrin Wek grew concerned over the lack of response from Morne, so she asked a Republic-allied individual, who had helped her expose her superior Commander Gardit's corruption, to investigate. The hero found the convoy, and after learning of the group's story, let them escape. The hero would inform Ferdoin's superior Commander Yajak that they had found the convoy's bodies in the wilds, ensuring their safe escape.

Behind the scenes

Ferdoin was created for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released by BioWare on December 20, 2011. He appears as part of the Taris mission "AWOL", as one of several troopers who tried to desert. The player can choose to allow the troopers to desert, as the light side option, or force them to return to service as the dark side option.



