
Biology and appearance

Gryzards were -like reptilian carnivores that lived in the murky waters of the planet Veelo. Scaley, gray-colored quadrapeds with two blue eyes, they lurked underwater before lunging onto land in pursuit of their prey. Gryzards were too fast and strong for most of their victims, with long snapping jaws filled with sharp teeth.

Clone-sized snacks

In around 18 BBY, the bounty hunter Fennec Shand traveled to Veelo with the clones Hunter and Wrecker, in search of the bounty Sylar Saris. Using a hydroskiff, the trio traveled along the planet's rivers until they encountered a series of submerged mines that blocked their path. Shand ordered the clones to enter the water and disable the mines while she kept watch from the boat; however, as they did so, gryzards began approaching from both up and downstream. Wrecker was first to spot the creatures, with Hunter then directing Shand's attention to a group of four of the beasts swimming beneath the surface ahead of them.

As Shand spotted the creatures with her rifle scope, Hunter and Wrecker quickly disabled the last of the mines. The bounty hunter then opened fire, hitting the surface near the group of creatures up ahead and then spinning to shoot another aproaching from behind the skiff. With the last mines diffused, the clones also opened fire before climbing onto the skiff. Before Hunter could fully get onboard, a gryzard launched out of the water and grabbed the clone's backpack in its jaws, pulling the clone back under the water. Wrecker then lept from the vessel and landed on the back of the submerged gryzard, which began thrashing with Hunter still in its jaws

See you later, gryzard-gator

As Shand moved to help, another gryzard lept onto the hydroskiff and knocked her to the floor. Leaping back to her feet, the hunter slammed the butt of her rifle into the creature and pushing it back into the water as the gryzard attacking the clones emerged from beneath the surface with Wrecker still on its back. The creature then released Hunter after Wrecker pounded his fists into its head several times, holding the creature back as Hunter escaped and then lifting it to slam down onto another gryzard behind him.

As more gryzard swiftly approached, the clones climbed back on the hydroskiff and Shand powered up the engine, which knocked back the gryzard behind the vessel as the skiff took off. As the boat moved, a gryzard climbed up over the bow and began snapping at Wrecker, who grabbed its jaws and drew a vibroknife before the creature knocked it out of his hands. The creature then knocked down Hunter as Wrecker stood and grabbed it. A second gryzard began climbing the side of the hydroskiff before being blasted by Hunter as Wrecker lifted the screeching gryzard from the bow and hurled it back into the river. The trio then continued up the river, escaping the beasts.

Behind the scenes

Gryzards first appeared in "Bad Territory," in "Bad Territory," the eighth episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's third season, which premiered on March 20, 2024. The creatures' name was then revealed the day after the episode aired on in both a databank entry and a piece of concept art created by Ben Meng in the accompanying episode guide.



