Kadas'sa'Niktoese was created for the first part of "The Escape," the final episode of the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Resistance, which aired on January 26, 2020. The language was included in the first draft of the episode's script, but was eventually replaced by a mechanic's code that she and Vozo had developed to help make the interaction feel more personal and private. Kadas'sa'Niktoese was mentioned in the article "Bucket's List Extra: 5 Fun Facts from 'The Escape – Part 1' – Star Wars Resistance," which was posted on StarWars.com on January 27, 2020. The language was also included in the article's accompanying YouTube video.
Kadas'sa'Niktoese was created for the first part of "The Escape," the final episode of the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Resistance, which aired on January 26, 2020. The language was included in the first draft of the episode's script, but was eventually replaced by a mechanic's code that she and Vozo had developed to help make the interaction feel more personal and private. Kadas'sa'Niktoese was mentioned in the article "Bucket's List Extra: 5 Fun Facts from 'The Escape – Part 1' – Star Wars Resistance," which was posted on StarWars.com on January 27, 2020. The language was also included in the article's accompanying YouTube video.