Kythoo's Bell

Kythoo's Bell was a security system installed at the Jedi prison known as the Sason Temple on the Outer Rim gas giant Sason by the Jedi Order to help keep a Starweird sealed away within the prison. According to Jedi Masters Shaak Ti and Aayla Secura, as long as the Sason Temple resonated with the sound of Kythoo's Bell, all would be in balance and its walls would hold, but if the Bell was to ever fall silent, you should leave the temple immediately and not come back. Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra, believing that Kythoo's Bell was a Jedi artifact, sought to acquire the Bell alongside the Jedi-in-training Luke Skywalker which he could then use to ensure he was strong enough to fight the Sith Lord Darth Vader. After the two made their way to the temple, they eventually discovered Kythoo's Bell, and Aphra attempted to claim a crystal inside it. Though Aphra recovered the crystal, the Bell to crash onto the fall. As the temple no longer resonated with the sound of the Bell, the Starweird was released, and Aphra came to realize the real purpose of the Bell. The Kythoo's Bell shards were used by Skywalker, who accidentally used the Force to impale the Starweird's entire body, though the creature quickly recovered from the attack.<









