Pantrosian Eye

The Pantrosian Eye was a location where the Galactic Empire conducted a tibanna gas mining operation, which increased blaster production over the year leading up to 3 ABY. That year, Rebel Alliance spies uncovered the operation, which was brought to the attention of the Alliance High Command. Respectively, Everi Chalis—an Imperial governor who had defected to the Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry—listed the operation in the Pantrosian Eye on a schematic of the military and industrial biology of the Empire for the company's captain, Micha Evon.

When Evon crosschecked Chalis's information on the schematic with General Baccam Grafis of the High Command, he was given confirmation that the mining operation had indeed already been discovered two weeks before. Shortly after, Evon informed First Sergeant Hazram Namir about this while showing the schematic to the soldier.

The Pantrosian Eye was mentioned in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, written by Alexander Freed.

Behind the scenes

The Pantrosian Eye was mentioned in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, written by Alexander Freed.






