Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo "Thrawn" of the Chiss Ascendancy attended the reception under the alias of "Artistic Master Svorno", Chief curator of the Nunech Art Collection. Thrawn was accompanied by fellow Chiss Mitth'ali'astov "Thalias" who was to act as Thrawn's family hostage. Thrawn had made up the concept of Chiss family hostages in the hopes that word of the supposed cultural practice would reach Yiv and cause the Nikardun to question his knowledge of Chiss culture. To Thrawn's pleasant surprise, Yiv was actually present at the reception, and Thrawn asked Qilori of Uandualon to introduce the two men.
Thrawn and Thalias did not depart Primea with the Garwian diplomatic mission with whom they had arrived. The pair remained on the planet to learn about the Vak culture and how the Vaks would respond to Yiv's diplomatic and military overtures. The two Chiss entered a Vak art gallery where Thrawn learned more about Vak culture and discussed the opinions of "the common [Vak] people" with the museum's curator. Thalias opined that the people who frequent art galleries would not be the decision-makers of their species, to which Thrawn replied that she did not see what he had.
Seeking to capture or kill Thrawn, Yiv ordered his Lioaoi allies to attack a Chiss fleet that arrived to rescue Thrawn and Thalias. That strike required a counterattack under Chiss law, which led to a Chiss attack on the Lioaoin heartworld.
The Primea diplomatic reception appeared in the 2020 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising by Timothy Zahn.