Ravager's Rift

The Ravager's Rift was a region of space within the galaxy. In 5 ABY, as six fleets from the New Republic's military were deployed along the Corellian Trade Spine hyperspace route under Admiral Gial Ackbar in preparation to be rapidly relocated to the Western Reaches, Admiral Ho'ror'te began a mission to gather unaligned allies deep into the Ravager's Rift to reinforce Ackbar's fleets. Both admirals reported their efforts during a meeting between the members of the New Republic High Command.

The Ravager's Rift was mentioned in the 2021 novel Victory's Price, the final installment of the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy which was written by Alexander Freed.

Behind the scenes

The Ravager's Rift was mentioned in the 2021 novel Victory's Price, the final installment of the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy which was written by Alexander Freed.






