Ren could refer to:
- Ren, a Force-sensitivehuman who led the Knights of Ren.
- Ren, the predecessor to the human Ren.
- Ben Solo, who led the Knights of Ren as Kylo Ren.
- The Knights of Ren, a dark side of the Force organization.
- The Ren, the lightsaber wielded by Ren.
- Ren, a male Givin who played against Han Solo.
- Rens, an Imperial Navy pilot during the Galactic Civil War.
- Aralah Ren, a female Human merchant during the Cold War.
- Renefra Ren, a male Elomin who served the Inquisitorius.
- Skohani Ren, a Togruta male member of the Jedi Order.
- Gir Kybo Ren-Cha, better known as Kybo Ren, a Ropagu space pirate during the Galactic Civil War.
- Mala-Ren, a male Voss during the Old Republic.
- Ren-Quarr, a Quarren patron of the Outlander Club before the Clone Wars.
- Ren Auglu, a male HumanJediPadawan towards the end of the Galactic Republic.
- Ren Parteun, a male Twi'lek who lived during the Galactic Civil War.
- Ren Savroon, a male Rodian repairman during the Clone Wars.
- Ren S'orn, the son of SenatorUta S'orn.
- Ren Terlo, a HumanMajor in the Cularin Militia.
- Ren Voilis, a male who lived towards the end of the Galactic Republic.
- Renning, a male Sith Lord during the Cold War.
- F'la Ren, the primary star of the F'la Ren system.
- Ren'bl Ettes, a large city on Almania.