
Sion was a human male who worked for Jabba's criminal empire. Prior to joining Jabba's forces, Sion was a speeder thief. In 6 BBY, after he stole a prized podracer from Black Sun, he was caught and was moments away from being executed until he was saved by Errin, who worked for the Hutt Cartel. Sion joined his crew and worked alongside Nackt and Arfit. He eventually married Sigs and looked after a daughter and a son.

The crew was on security detail when Jabba sentenced the Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker and the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca to be executed in the Great Pit of Carkoon. When the prisoners tried to escape, Sion led the charge to try and apprehend Skywalker. However, he was killed when Skywalker kicked him into the sarlacc pit. His last thoughts were of his family.

In the story "Kickback" from the book From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi, which is told from Sion's point of view, he is surprised by a kick in the chest from Luke Skywalker, who is seemingly too far away. This reveals that Sion is the character who, in the movie Return of the Jedi, is shown reacting to a kick that does not connect. Fans have dubbed this the "Force-kick" to explain what was likely a camera angle error. Mark Hamill joked about the scene on Twitter in 2023, calling the move his "widely celebrated, perfectly executed Force-kick."

Behind the scenes

In the story "Kickback" from the book From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi, which is told from Sion's point of view, he is surprised by a kick in the chest from Luke Skywalker, who is seemingly too far away. This reveals that Sion is the character who, in the movie Return of the Jedi, is shown reacting to a kick that does not connect. Fans have dubbed this the "Force-kick" to explain what was likely a camera angle error. Mark Hamill joked about the scene on Twitter in 2023, calling the move his "widely celebrated, perfectly executed Force-kick."









