The Clone Wars toy line was officially unveiled at the 2008 Toy Fair in New York City, in which Hasbro revealed the first full wave of figures, along with the exclusive mail away Captain Rex figure, the V-19 Torrent starfighter and OG-9 homing spider droid vehicles along with one of Hasbro's first large-scale vehicles, the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer. Its second, the massive clone turbo tank. Hasbro started the promotion for Captain Rex shortly after the Toy Fair event, however, due to problems at Hasbro, the figure was not released until sometime around the July 26 release date for the entire collection.
The full line debuted alongside the Legacy Collection in the fourth "midnight madness" event. Figures from this line featured an animated style, recreating the look of the computer animated film and television series and in contrast to the more realistic look of preceding figures, including several based on the previous Clone Wars cartoon. Figures also included action features such as "missile launching" weapons. The basic line packaging featured a clone trooper helmet design and included "First Day of Issue" stickers on select figures. As before, retailers Toys R Us, Wal-Mart and Target each received exclusive figures. The retail partnership extended to match the retailer's corporate colors, with Wal-Mart receiving an exclusive 501st Legion clone trooper to match their corporate colors and Target receiving the exclusive Commander Fox to match their red color scheme.
The Basic Line figures were first released on July 26th 2008 and have continued until the present day. The initial line of figures consisted of 25 single-carded figures and where produced on a blue and white cardback in the shape of a Clone Trooper helmet. This design ran up until July of 2009, when the packaging changed over to a smaller, red packaging. Currently, it is unknown how many figures will be released in this new packaging, but the line consists of a number of new figures alongside some from the older packaging.
Wave 1:
- No.01 - Anakin Skywalker (General's Clone Armor)
- No.02 - Obi-Wan Kenobi (General's Clone Armor)
- No.03 - Yoda (Firing Force-Blast)
- No.04 - CaptainRex (Phase I Armor)
- No.05 - Clone trooper (Phase I Armor)
- No.06 - GeneralGrievous
- No.07 - Battle droid
- No.08 - R2-D2 (Anakin Skywalker's Astromech Droid)
Wave 2:
- No.09 - Ahsoka Tano & Rotta the Huttlet
- No.10 - CommanderCody (Phase I Armor)
- No.11 - Clone PilotOddball (Phase I Armor)
- No.12 - Super battle droid
Wave 3:
- No.13 - CountDooku
- No.14 - Plo Koon
- No.15 - Asajj Ventress
- No.16 - C-3PO (Padmé Amidala's Protocol Droid)
- No.17 - Droideka
- No.18 - IG-86 (Assassin droid)
Wave 4:
- No.19 - Clone trooper (212th Attack Battalion)
- No.20 - Padmé Amidala (Diplomat)
- No.21 - Clone trooper (Space gear)
- No.22 - IG-100 MagnaGuard
- No.23 - R3-S6 ("Goldie")
Wave 5:
- No. 24 - Jar Jar Binks (Bombad Jedi Cloak)
- No. 25 - Rocket battle droid
- No. 26 - Clone trooper (41st Elite Corps)
- No. 27 - Kit Fisto
Wave 1 (Repacks):
- CW01: GeneralGrievous
- CW02: Clone trooper (Space Gear)
- CW03: Rocket battle droid
- CW04: Clone trooper (41st Elite Corps)
- CW05: Kit Fisto
Wave 2 (Wave 6):
- CW06: Mace Windu (General's Clone Armor)
- CW07: AdmiralYularen
- CW08: Jawas
- CW09: CommanderGree
- CW10: ARF Trooper
- CW11: Heavy Assault super battle droid
Wave 3 (Wave 7):
- CW12: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Space Suit)
- CW13: 4A-7
- CW14: Yoda
- CW15: Whorm Loathsom
- CW16: Commando droid
- CW17: Clone trooper Echo
Wave 3.5 (Repacks):
- CW18: Anakin Skywalker
- CW19: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Wave 4 (Wave 8):
- CW20: Clone trooperDenal
- CW21: Anakin Skywalker (Space suit)
- CW22: Cad Bane
- CW23: Ahsoka Tano (Space suit)
Wave 4.5 (Repacks):
Wave 5 (Wave 9):
- CW30: Luminara Unduli
- CW31: CaptainArgyus
- CW32: CommanderThire
- CW33: Battle droid (AAT Driver)
Wave 6 (Wave 10):
- CW34: Clone pilot Matchstick
- CW35: Padmé Amidala (Adventurer Suit)
- CW36: Clone tank gunner
- CW37: Ziro's assassin droid
Wave 7 (Wave 11):
- CW38: Clone trooperJek
- CW39: CommanderBly
- CW40: Aayla Secura
- CW41: Hondo Ohnaka
Wave 8 (Wave 12):
- CW42: Anakin Skywalker (Cold Weather Gear - Orto Plutonia)
- CW43: Thi-Sen (Talz's Chieftain)
- CW44: Clone CommanderStone
- CW45: Darth Sidious
- CW46: CommanderTX-20
Wave 9 (Wave 13):
- CW47: Fire battle droid
- CW48: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Cold Weather Gear - Orto Plutonia)
- CW49: IG-100 MagnaGuard
- CW50: CaptainRex (Cold Assault Gear - Orto Plutonia)
Wave 0.5 (Repacks):
- CW01: CaptainRex
- CW02: Obi-Wan Kenobi
- CW03: CommanderCody
- CW04: Droideka
- CW05: Yoda
- CW06: CountDooku
- CW07: Anakin Skywalker (Space Suit)
Wave 1 (Wave 14):
- CW08: Pre Vizsla (Leader of the Death Watch)
- CW09: Mandalorian Guard
- CW10: GeneralGrievous (Battle Damaged)
- CW11: Aurra Sing (Bounty Hunter)
Wave 1.5 (Repacks):
- CW12: CaptainRex (Cold Assault Gear - Orto Plutonia)
- CW13: Cad Bane (Bounty Hunter)
- CW14: Clone PilotOddball
- CW15: Asajj Ventress
- CW16: Super battle droid
- CW17: Ahsoka Tano
- CW18: ARF Trooper
- CW19: Battle droid (Trooper)
Wave 2 (Wave 15):
- CW20: Mace Windu (With 2-Piece Jango Fett Helmet)
- CW21: CommanderGree
- CW22: Battle droid (Commander)
- CW23: Kit Fisto (With Two Lightsabers)
- CW24: ARF Trooper (Teth Jungle Camo)
Wave 3 (Wave 16):
- CW25: Ki-Adi-Mundi
- CW26: Clone trooper (Flame Thrower)
- CW27: R2-D2
- CW28: Clone PilotGoji
Wave 4 (Wave 17):
- CW29: Mandalorian Warrior
- CW30: R4-P17 (Obi-Wan Kenobi's Astromech Droid)
- CW31: Shaak Ti
- CW32: Boba Fett (Battle Armor)
- CW33: Embo (Bounty Hunter)
Wave 5 (Wave 18):
- CW34: ZombieGeonosian
- CW35: Clone trooperDraa
- CW36: Quinlan Vos
- CW37: Cato Parasitti (Bounty Hunter)
Wave 6 (Wave 19):
- CW40: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Season Three Outfit)
- CW41: CT-782 "Hevy" (Training Gear)
- CW42: Cad Bane with Todo 360
- CW43: R7-A7 (Ahsoka Tano's Astromech Droid)
Wave 7/8 (Wave 20/21):
- CW44: Ahsoka Tano (Season Three Outfit)
- CW45: Anakin Skywalker (Season Three Outfit)
- CW46: Aqua droid
- CW47: El-Les (Bounty Hunter)
- CW48: CommanderWolffe
- CW49: Clone Riot Trooper (Riot Control)
- CW50: Barriss Offee (Luminara Unduli's Padawan)
- CW51: Eeth Koth (Jedi Master)
- CW52: CommanderColt
Wave 9:
- CW53: Plo Koon (Cold Weather Gear)
- CW38: Clone Commander Jet
- CW55: Savage Opress (Shirtless)
- CW39: Hondo Ohnaka (Captain)
- CW56: ARF Trooper (Kamino)
Wave 10:
- CW54: Saesee Tiin (Jedi Master)
- CW57: Stealth Ops Clone
- CW60: Kit Fisto (Cold Weather Gear)
- CW61: Seripas (Bounty Hunter)
- CW62: CaptainRex (Jet Propulsion Pack)
Wave 11:
- CW58: Even Piell (Jedi Master)
- CW59: Savage Opress (Armored Apprentice)
- CW63: Chewbacca (Kashyyyk Warrior)
- CW64: R7-D4 (Plo Koon's Astromech Droid)
- CW65: Jar Jar Binks (Bombad Jedi Cloak)
Maul Packaging Figures
Wave 1
- CW1 Anakin Skywalker (Season 4 Sculpt)
- CW2 Clone Trooper (Phase II Armor)
- CW3 Savage Opress (Shirtless) (Repack)
- CW4 Cad Bane (Bounty Hunter) (Repack)
- CW5 Yoda (Repack)
- CW6 Plo Koon (Cold Weather Gear) (Repack)
- CW7 CommanderCody (Phase II Armor & Jet Propulsion Pack)
- CW8 Mace Windu (With 2-Piece Jango Fett Helmet) (Repack)
- CW9 Chewbacca (Kashyyyk Warrior) (Repack)
- CW10 Aqua Droid
Wave 2
- CW11 Republic Commando Boss
- CW12 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Climbing Action)
- CW13 CaptainRex (Phase II Armor)
- CW14 Aayla Secura (Jedi Knight) (Repack)
Wave 3
- CW15 Ahsoka Tano (Scuba Gear)
- CW16 Super Battle Droid (Training Armor)
- CW17 Commander Wolffe (Phase II Armor)
- CW18 Commander Fox (Phase II Armor)
Yoda Packaging Figures (Green and White Packaging) (2013)
Wave 1
- CW01 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Tunic/New Outfit) (Resculpt)
- CW02 Savage Opress (Armored Apprentice) (Repack)
- CW03 Anakin Skywalker (Jedi Tunic/New Outfit) (Resculpt)
- CW04 CaptainRex (Phase II Armor) & Rotary Blaster Cannon
- CW05 R2-D2 (Anakin Skywalker's Astromech Droid) (Resculpt)
- CW06 Clone Trooper (501st Legion) (Phase II Armor) & Jet Pack
- CW07 CommanderCody (Phase II Armor & Jet Propulsion Pack) (Repack)
- CW08 Darth Maul (Cybernetic Legs or Cyborg)
- CW09 Battle droid (Trooper) (Resculpt)
Both at the start-up of the line and during the course of the line, many stores distributed exclusive products and figures. During its initial release, Wal-Mart, Target and Toys 'R' Us released their own exclusive figures. Below is a complete list of all the exclusive items released by retailers:
- CommanderFox
- Obi-Wan Kenobi & 212th Attack Battalion
- Yoda & Coruscant Guard
- Assault on Ryloth
- Ambush at Abregado
- The Battle of Christophsis
- Clone Trooper Voice Changer - Red w/Torch
- Darth Maul, Savage Opress (armored), and Nightsister three-pack
- Clone Trooper (501st Legion)
- Ambush (1/2): Lieutenant Thire & Clone Trooper Rys
- Ambush (2/2): Yoda & Clone Trooper Jek
- Rookies (1/2): Clone CommanderCody & Clone TrooperEcho
- Rookies (2/2): CaptainRex & Clone TrooperFives
- Clone Trooper Voice Changer - Blue
- Octuptarra Droid
- Republic Gunship: Lucky Lekku
- Kit Fistos Delta-7B Starfighter
- CommanderPonds
- GeneralGrievous: Holographic recording mode
- ARC-170 Starfighter
- Hailfire Droid & General Grievous
- Republic Gunship: Crumb Bomber
- V-Wing Starfighter & V-Wing Pilot
- V-Wing Starfighter: ImperialShadow Squadron deco
- Kul Teska
- Nikto Guard
- Slave I with Mace Windu's Delta-7B Starfighter
- Clone Trooper: Senate Security (SDCC 2008)
- CaptainRex
- Nahdar Vebb
- SergeantBric
- Boba Fett 2010 Exclusive
- White Armored Boba Fett 2011 Exclusive
- B'omarr Monastery attack
- Rishi moon outpost attack
- Ambush on the Vulture's Claw
- Ambush at Abregado
- Assault on Ryloth
- Jedi showdown
- Holocron Heist
- Droids and Clones
- Anti-Hailfire DroidSquad
- The Hidden Enemy
- ARC Troopers
- Hostage Crisis
- Defend Kamino
- Geonosis Assault
- Cad Bane's Escape
- Hunt For Grievous
- Stop The Zillo Beast
- Capture The Droids
- Republic Clone Troopers
- 501st Legion trooper with speeder bike.
- Clone Turbo Tank support squad.
- Count Dooku with speeder.
- Obi-Wan Kenobi with Freeco speeder.
- Mandalorian Guard with speeder bike.
- Clone Jet Troopers212th Attack Battalion.
- Republic Recon Fighter with Anakin Skywalker (Jedi Pilot Gear).
- Republic Assault Sub with Clone Trooper (Scuba Gear).
- Mace Windu's Delta-7B Starfighter
- Slave I
- Ahsoka Tano's Delta-7B Starfighter
- Anakin Skywalker's Delta-7B Starfighter
- Armored Assault Tank (AAT)
- All Terrain Attack Pod (AT-AP)
- All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE)
- Republic Y-wing Fighter
- HAVw A6 Juggernaut (Turbo tank)
- Republic Fighter Tank
- Infantry Support Platform (ISP speeder)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi's Delta-7B Starfighter
- Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I (Vulture droid)
- Stone, the clone troopers in the Anti-Hailfire Squad, and Draa all came out taller than the rest of the clone trooper figures.
- The action figure of Rys lacked the tattoo on his neck/chin.
- The Anakin Skywalker in the Battle of Christophsis pack lacked the Jedi Order symbol on his left shoulder.
- Chopper was given the same color eyes.
- ARF trooper Boil came out shorter then all the other clone troopers.