
Streen was mentioned in "An Apology," a short story by Timothy Zahn that was released on April 1, 2012 as an April Fool's Day joke. In the context of the story, any appearance of Luke Skywalker following the Fate of the Jedi series would be Luuuke. Further, the article in which An Apology was published announced facetiously that Luuuke would star in upcoming novels such as Star Wars: The Clone Wars 2: Luuuke. The novel serial, The Clone Wars 2 or Son of Clone Wars, was to continue releasing titles for perpetuity, and Luuuke's adventure with Streeen would have taken place in the seventeenth volume of the tale.

Behind the scenes

Streen was mentioned in "An Apology," a short story by Timothy Zahn that was released on April 1, 2012 as an April Fool's Day joke. In the context of the story, any appearance of Luke Skywalker following the Fate of the Jedi series would be Luuuke. Further, the article in which An Apology was published announced facetiously that Luuuke would star in upcoming novels such as Star Wars: The Clone Wars 2: Luuuke. The novel serial, The Clone Wars 2 or Son of Clone Wars, was to continue releasing titles for perpetuity, and Luuuke's adventure with Streeen would have taken place in the seventeenth volume of the tale.



